石渠寶笈初編(御書房),下冊,頁721&*故宮書畫錄(卷三),第一冊,頁100-101&*董其昌法書特展研究圖錄,頁84-87、167-169&*董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),江蘇華亭人。字玄宰,號思白。萬曆十七年(一五八九)進士,官至禮部尚書,諡文敏。本冊作於董氏六十四歲(一六一八),董氏初臨褚本蘭亭,在三十五歲(一五八九)時,三十年間亦曾臨過定武、穎上諸本。他曾謂:「蘭亭非不正,其縱宕用筆處,無跡可尋,若形模相似,轉去轉遠。」本冊行間佈置不類原帖,而用筆則深得王褚靈秀之意。&*Tung Ch'i-ch'ang, a native of Kiangsu, served as Minister of Rites. An accomplished painter and calligrapher, he was also a prominent connoisseur. He often made copied works. His semi-cursive and standard scripts were praised as the best of his time. This album was done in 1618. Tung began free-copying Ch'u Sui-liang's Preface to the Orchid Pavilion in 1589 and, in the 30 years thereafter, also copied the Ting-wu and Ying-shang versions to fully understand it. He wrote that the Preface is not formal and has many free and varied strokes, believing that spirit was more important than form. Thus, the line spacing here differs from the original, but the spirit is faithful to that of Wang and Ch'u.&*董其昌(西元一五五五-一六三六年),字玄宰,號思白,別號香光居士,松江華亭(今上海松江)人。明萬曆年間進士,官至禮部尚書。 董其昌書法综合晉、唐、宋、元各家書風,以二王為宗,又得力於顏真卿、米芾與楊凝式諸家,嘗謂:「晉人書取韵」,曾臨定武、穎上與褚本蘭亭,得其運腕之法,本冊雖行間佈局不類原帖,然用筆深得王羲之、褚遂良靈秀之意。 此作成於戊午(一六一八)年。(20110101)&* Dong Qichang, a native of Huating in Songjiang (modern Songjiang, Shanghai) was a Presented Scholar (jinshi) of 1588 who served up to the post of Minister of Rites. Dong Qichang’s calligraphy combined the styles of various Jin, Tang, Song, and Yuan masters, with those of the Two Wangs as his source. He also was gifted at the styles of Yan Zhenqing, Mi Fu, and Yang Ningshi. Dong also stated, “Jin calligraphers obtained the harmony.” So he copied the Dingwu, Yingshang, and Chu Suiliang copies of Wang Xizhi’s Orchid Pavilion Preface, achieving the supple wrist movement in them. Though this album from 1618 is arranged in line spacing unlike the original, the brushwork still has the nimble elegance of Chu Suiliang and Wang Xizhi’s style.(20110101)